Welcome To Linacre
We aim to give state-school students in the North of England the confidence to apply to our leading universities, and the skills to thrive there.
Our Problem
At the most competitive universities in the UK, less than 10% of students come from areas which are severely under-represented
Our Success

80% of Linacre students have won places at the Russell Group universities (2014 – 2022)
Our Impact

Linacre students are twice as likely to reach a UK top 12 university, compared to applicants who are similar in GCSE results and background
Our Future
We have a long-term ambition of supporting 500 students each year

See what an impact we are making to help level-up the playing field in educational attainment in the north of England. Over the last 6 years, we have helped 100s of state-school students in the north of England to gain the confidence and skills to reach some of the UK’s leading universities, and thrive there. The quality and intensity of our programme is something quite unique.
Student Stories
All of this very much seemed to be a pipe dream at the age of ten, when I first seriously determined that I wanted to study at Cambridge, and it appeared perhaps even more so for my parents. What were the real chances of a boy from Wallsend achieving that?
Cameron, graduated from Cambridge University in Modern and Medieval Languages

Support us
We welcome support from individuals and organisations. Typically it costs £1000 to help one of our students reach a high-performing universities. We’d welcome anything you can afford. We’d also like to talk to corporates who are keen to help level-up the playing field in educational attainment – and support a charity making great strides in improving social mobility.