The programme was one of the greatest experiences of my life so far.
Jason, Cambridge Graduate

I really can’t begin to even express how thankful I am for this opportunity
Kayden, Natural Sciences student at Homerton College, Cambridge
The Linacre Institute has opened my eyes to a lot of new and exciting possibilities with regards to the future.
Ashleigh, English student at Downing College, Cambridge

All of this very much seemed to be a pipe dream at the age of ten, when I first seriously determined that I wanted to study at Cambridge.
Cameron, Modern Languages student at Trinity College, Cambridge
Not only did I gain social confidence, but I was also made to feel more academically confident; through sessions on philosophy to economics, I got to know more about things I wouldn’t have the opportunity to study otherwise.
Georgia, Graduate from Selwyn College, Cambridge reading HSPS

If it wasn’t for Linacre, I would not be where I am today. The key thing I took away from the experience was the confidence to apply to Cambridge.
Faith, student at Newnham College, Cambridge reading Economics